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- WHAT TO EXPECT- Breathe Therapy ® to Quit Smoking
- WHY IT WORKS- Quit Smoking with Laser Therapy
Posts by category
- Category: Breath
- Category: Featured
- Harold Gifford
- seriously…now we need to worry about thirdhand smoke?!?!?
- we are so very proud of our 10,000!
- and you though phillip morris was only selling cigarettes…a brief history of tobacco in America
- non-smokers finally get their break time!
- how much do you smoke…when you don’t smoke?
- because schools don’t have enough problems already…now they have to deal with JUULing!
- as the plots thicken on new tv shows…so does the smoke!
- what can you say to a loved one to get them to quit smoking, chewing or vaping?
- with trillions created every year; cigarette butts are a hazard to our environment!
- study shows chantix to be no better than patches for quitting tobacco
- to call yourself a nonsmoker or to not call yourself a nonsmoker…that is the question!
- so you wonder…will we ever run out of smokers/chewers to treat?
- Kat Perkins Quit Smoking with Breathe!
- Twin Cities Wellness Today Interview with Rick Diamond
- Dr. Oz: Quit Smoking
- FOX9 News report
- Toni Walsh talks about quitting smoking in the Jordan Independent
- Category: Testimonial
- Pete Bercich Testimonial
- Bobbi Lindberg Testimonial
- “Meatsauce” Paul Lambert Testimonial
- Ashley Paige talks about quitting smoking
- Steve Carney talks about Quitting Smoking
- Terri Traen talks about quitting smoking
- Paul Allen – Voice of the Minnesota Vikings – talks about Breathe
- Phillip “The Philly Dawg” Wise talks about quitting smoking
- Category: Uncategorized
- Start the New Year Right: A Healthier You Awaits
- The Impact of Nicotine on our Skin
- Quit Nicotine before Winter Hits.
- Thank You
- The Right Time to Quit Nicotine: Now
- Summer Fun
- Ask Chat GPT: Just how bad is Nicotine and why should I quit?
- Ask CHAT GPT… I would like to know the benefits, of quitting nicotine with Breathe-Freedom from Nicotine at $499 one-time fee vs. continuing to buy tobacco at $15.00 per pack.
- What are the dangers of Vaping:
- The Hidden Dangers of Vaping Nicotine
- Understanding the risks: The dangers of nicotine gums and nicotine patches
- Powerful men…Powerful habits
- “it’s just water vapor…it can’t harm you”
- 2019 Mercer Health Care Innovation Symposium
- client showcase: how randy fought a 40 year old habit…and won!!!
- why don’t we talk about polonium-210 more?
- early nicotine exposure makes later addictions more likely
- schools fight a teen vaping epidemic
- Thank You JA Counter!
- Harvard study finds fungal toxins in e-cigarettes
- The E-Cigarette Flavoring Controversy – Harvard Weighs in on the Topic
- The Cost of Smoking
- Alex Burnett talks about quitting smoking with Breathe Theraphy
- Stephen Grasley Testimonial
- Testimonial of Ashley Paige of BOB Country FM
- Twin Cities Business Magazine
- Category: Video