We can help you quit chewing Tobacco in about 90 minutes

Breathe Therapy® works as well for people quitting chewing tobacco, too!
Quitting chewing tobacco can be challenging for a variety of reasons. For example, you can chew in places that do not allow smoking, so there are not as many prohibitions. Also, the nicotine is absorbed through the roof of the mouth, giving the nicotine a direct line to the bloodstream. Additionally, many people report that chewing tobacco is harder to quit than cigarettes, and quitting cigarettes can be compared to quitting a serious drug habit like heroin or cocaine. Learn how to quit chewing tobacco with Breathe Therapy
FACTS About Chew Tobacco:
- Four pinches of chewing tobacco contain about as much nicotine as a pack of cigarettes.
- One tin of chew tobacco is equal in nicotine to 3 packs of cigarettes.
- Oral cancers are 50 times more likely in users of chewing tobacco.
- Oral cancer kills 30-50% of those diagnosed with it within 5 years.
- Each tin of snuff contains a lethal dose of nicotine.
- Chewing tobacco is a deadly stew of 3000 toxic substances including chemicals such as rat poison, embalming fluid, and household cleaners.
- Some brands contain sand or fiberglass to make tiny abrasions on the inside of the mouth, giving the nicotine a more direct line into the bloodstream.
How Addicted Are You To Chewing Tobacco?
- I no longer get sick or dizzy when I chew tobacco, like I did when I first started.
- I’ve switched to stronger products with more nicotine.
- I swallow juice from my tobacco on a regular basis.
- Sometimes I sleep with tobacco in my mouth.
- First thing in the morning is when I have my first chew.
- I have strong cravings when I go without chewing tobacco.
Our laser therapy works with chewing tobacco cessation in the same way it does for smoking cessation, by causing the body to feel as though it has just had tobacco, so that you don’t have a physical craving.
Our approach is fairly aggressive with chewing cessation, with three consecutive days of treatment (one hour for the first session and just a 1/2 hour for the others). Most people are craving-free soon after that, but your treatment will be custom-fit to your needs. It will still take a little effort, but it will be much faster, easier, and more effective than with other quit methods currently available.
Breathe Therapy® uses low intensity medical lasers that cannot cut, burn, or harm your skin. Our tobacco cessation treatments are designed to significantly reduce and eliminate the pain and discomforts associated with withdrawal symptoms. The process is completely painless and safe. The laser treatment causes a sustained production of your body’s own natural chemicals. These natural chemicals include endorphins, norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine, and other opiate-like peptides. These are the same chemicals that are released when you use tobacco-and that’s what makes you feel good.
The chemical effects of chewing tobacco in your body
- When you chew, the toxins you absorb cause trauma in your body – just as if you got a wound, a virus, or infection.
- Your body responds to the trauma by causing a release of these same chemicals – to begin the healing process and to mask the pain of an injury.
- Repetitive chewing causes your body to over produce these chemicals. This causes a chemical imbalance.
- Therefore the body stops the natural time release of these chemicals and waits for the toxins in the snuff/chewing tobacco to cause a manual release of the chemicals the body needs.
- If you quit cold turkey and fail to provide the desired release of these chemicals, it is likely that you will experience painful withdrawal symptoms until you use tobacco/nicotine again to satisfy the need and relieve the pain.
The Breathe Therapy Difference
The difference is that when you use tobacco, the chemicals are released for a few minutes, and a short time later you have withdrawal symptoms, causing you to crave the tobacco again, because the body needs or desires another release of the chemicals.
When you receive Breathe Therapy®, these same chemicals are released for a sustained period of time, usually 30 to 45 days. Therefore, you are able to stop tobacco use without as much of the pain and discomfort of withdrawal symptoms, because the body has the chemicals it needs.
After about 21 days, the body will usually automatically release these chemicals again on its own natural time clock.
The first 48 hours will be the toughest. It takes about 48 hours for the chemicals in your body to reach the optimum level. But if you are like most of our clients, starting the first day, you will see the cravings decrease at a very fast pace. This process should be significantly faster, easier and more effective than any other method you’ve tried before.. Most importantly… it works.
Part of our treatment will also include a few easy techniques to counter the psychological component of the habit. We will help you to be aware of your environment and to change some of the routines that previously triggered cravings. Ultimately, you will be surprised how quickly you no longer have those strong cravings.
Let us assist you in making your future tobacco-free!
Chewing Tobacco Testimonials
All text is as sent in by Breathe Therapy clients.