
Is stress associated with addiction? Why yes, yes it is!

One of the main reasons people turn to drugs, alcohol, nicotine or other self-destructive behavior is…wait for it…Stress! According to Shahram Heshmat Ph.D. in an article in Psychology Today, May, 2017, stressful life events combined with poor coping skills can impact the risk of addiction increasing impulsive behavior and self-medication....

“it’s just water vapor…it can’t harm you”

As a quit coach/technician at Breathe – Freedom from Nicotine, I have been asked a number of times if e-cigs and vaping are safer than tobacco. To be honest, the whole concept of vaping is new to us all, and a couple of years ago, the only sincere answer I...

as the plots thicken on new tv shows…so does the smoke!

A recent study by Truth Initiative, a non-profit organization devoted to making tobacco a thing of the past, found extensive increases in the depiction of tobacco on popular TV shows. Many of those programs are targeted at young adults age 15 to 24. While the study is focused mostly on...