Nicotine gum and nicotine patches are commonly used as part of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) to help individuals quit smoking, chewing tobacco and vaping. While these products are generally considered safer than smoking traditional cigarettes, it's important to be aware of potential risks and side effects associated with their use....
Powerful men…Powerful habits
Presidents Day having recently past (or you can also think of it as coming up…just not for a long time) we were thinking about the history of tobacco use by American Presidents.
If you think Juul and vaping is safe, read on… Based on what we have seen over the past few years, vaping appears to be more addictive and it creates significantly more harmful health effects on teens and adults. If a parent thought their child was vaping and asked our...
“it’s just water vapor…it can’t harm you”
As a quit coach/technician at Breathe – Freedom from Nicotine, I have been asked a number of times if e-cigs and vaping are safer than tobacco. To be honest, the whole concept of vaping is new to us all, and a couple of years ago, the only sincere answer I...
2019 Mercer Health Care Innovation Symposium
On August 7th, Mercer hosted their annual Healthcare Innovations Symposium in Minneapolis, with presentations from Thought Leaders in various facets of the healthcare world. They gathered to explore some of the newest technologies and services promising to have a major impact on the future of healthcare in the U.S. and...
client showcase: how randy fought a 40 year old habit…and won!!!
As a technician at Breathe-Freedom from Nicotine I realize, I could tell people all day about how fast, easy and more effective our unique quit method is for people who want to, once and for all, put an end to their smoking, chewing or vape/e-cig habit. The problem is, I...
why don’t we talk about polonium-210 more?
Polonium-210 is not typically part of everyday conversation. No one has ever gone to a dinner party and said, “Hey, so what’s everyone’s thoughts on Polonium-210?” Most likely, that would be their last dinner party. Yet, this chemical is pervasive and found everywhere in the soil and air. So, you...
early nicotine exposure makes later addictions more likely
A recent study by scientists at the UC San Diego School of Medicine, found that infants who are exposed to nicotine within the first few weeks of life, by way of breast feeding, developed changes in neurons that are not found in children of mothers who do not use nicotine....
schools fight a teen vaping epidemic
Both Middle and High School officials are concerned about the growing use of e-cigarettes by students. According to a study by the CDC, between 2017 and 2018 teen use of these devices has skyrocketed by 78%! Big Lake High School is one of many forced to address the issue. For...
Thank You JA Counter!
Today we use our blog to congratulate and honor Linda Skoglund and all the great people at JA Counter Agency of New Richmond Wisconsin. Their commitment to their community and their strong desire to help people without concern of who is or is not a client, deserves recognition and our appreciation. In...