
schools fight a teen vaping epidemic

Both Middle and High School officials are concerned about the growing use of e-cigarettes by students. According to a study by the CDC, between 2017 and 2018 teen use of these devices has skyrocketed by 78%! Big Lake High School is one of many forced to address the issue. For...

Thank You JA Counter!

Today we use our blog to congratulate and honor Linda Skoglund and all the great people at JA Counter Agency of New Richmond Wisconsin. Their commitment to their community and their strong desire to help people without concern of who is or is not a client, deserves recognition and our appreciation. In...

so you wonder…will we ever run out of smokers/chewers to treat?

From time to time, we at Breathe - Freedom from Nicotine are asked, “Aren’t you afraid someday you will run out of customers?” Ultimately, I suppose that would be a good thing…maybe not for our business, but for everyone’s overall health; that would be a good thing. All of us...

Harvard study finds fungal toxins in e-cigarettes

A recent study by researchers at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health found electronic cigarettes are contaminated with bacterial and fungal toxins. A study of 75 e-cigarette products, including both single use cartridges and refillable e-liquids, found 27% had traces of “endotoxin,” a microbial agent found on gram-negative...

The E-Cigarette Flavoring Controversy – Harvard Weighs in on the Topic

It’s one thing to eat the artificial butter in microwave popcorn; it’s another thing to inhale the chemicals that give your Jolly Time its’ creamy flavor. A study at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health has determined that the flavorings designed to enhance electronic cigarettes may impair the...

The Cost of Smoking

It’s pretty common for people to smoke about a pack of cigarettes every day. When I smoked, it was Marlboro’s! If I were still smoking a pack a day today, that would easily come to over $60 per week or roughly $3,120 per year. I say roughly because knowing the...

Pete Bercich Testimonial

Pete Bercich Testimonial Click on the audio bar below to hear what Pete Bercich, Vikings Color Commentator and former player, has to say about his experience with Breathe – Freedom from Nicotine